Nunzio - Sales

Introduce yourself
Hey everyone!
I'm Nunzio - born and raised in Italy, near the Amalfi coast. Passionate about classic cars since I was born, I am also a guitarist and even used to be a radio speaker in my free time. I have been into accounting, University research, strategic consultancy and sales. But "love is love" - Working in this field has always been my life dream... And here we are!
How would you describe your role to someone outside of your field?
Consigning vehicles means "living on the phone", while discussing things you are passionate about. As a car enthusiast and a salesperson, this is your dream job. You are always looking out for beautiful vehicles, talking to people and trying to find a common point on the price to hopefully get a sale done benefiting all parties involved.
How long have you been with Car & Classic, and what drew you to join the team?
I joined Car & Classic a little more than 2 years ago now - I saw an advert on LinkedIn and decided to take a bet on my destiny. Best choice I ever made!
What do you enjoy most about your role?
The realisation that many enthusiasts like myself are getting the vehicles they desire, through a company made of many other enthusiasts. It feels like "serving the community you are a part of", in a way. It's great.
What does a typical day look like for you?
I do not follow a strict routine - But substantially my first part of the day goes by answering emails and phone calls, and then the second part of the day goes by evaluating vehicles and setting appointments for the next days. In the evening times, we usually have auctions, and following them is a very fun part of the job.
Who do you work closely with, and how does your team support each other?
I work autonomously but I speak to colleagues for second opinions about evaluations - That is truly important in a field where everything changes every 6 months. I like the people here, sometimes, I just pop up with a random message to have a "virtual coffee" and say hi just for the sake of doing it.
Since joining Car & Classic, what new skills have you developed or areas you’ve strengthened?
The new skills I have developed since joining Car & Classic surely are all those which would fall in the category of "soft skills". Working with people from all over the world is an amazing experience, and it makes you become a better person - It shows in your private/personal life as well.
Professionally speaking, working at Car & Classic surely helped me in becoming an even more valuable asset as a sales specialist.
Is there something you’ve achieved here that you’re especially proud of?
The relationships with 'people' I have built during the last two years at Car & Classic are the thing I am most proud of. Those are the things that make you make up with a smile in the morning.
What’s been your favourite moment working at Car & Classic?
The company event in Windsor has been my favourite moment ever. Travelling to 'the base' in the UK and just meeting everyone there changed my life for better. Having the chance to meet and share ideas about our jobs and how we could improve 'things' felt like attending the best networking event ever.
How would you describe the Car & Classic culture? How does this resonate with you?
Very relaxed, and filled with passion. Everyone does his job with a huge smile on his face and it shows. I have been looking for years for something like this.
What car or bike on Car & Classic would you love to drive?
I would love to drive a Honda NSX Coupé. I have daydreamed about doing that since 2012.
How would you describe Car & Classic in just three words?
Fun, enthusiastic, cool.
What surprised you the most about your team or the work environment when you first joined?
How relaxed everyone was, and down to heart.
What’s one piece of advice you’d give to someone considering a role like yours?
Know the market and its dynamics, and be passionate about it. If cars and bikes must be the centre of your world, you will love walking the way up!